The Oxbow Music Festival

Live Jamband, Bluegrass and Americana music in beautiful Northern Vemront. Craft Beer, Cider, CBD, Crafts

Music Festival that features live music in the style of rock, funk, blues, folk, bluegrass, grateful dead and jam. We offer craft beer, cider, food trucks and craft artists. 

OMF presents is a continuation of the vision of Tom Moog and Nick DeNoia to bring forth quality live musical experiences to the good people of Northern Vermont and beyond. Our underlying drive and motivation comes from a strong desire to help usher new and upcoming bands into the scene, support local established artists and bring in national and regional acts to Northern Vermont. 
Our flagship event, in production since 2015, the Oxbow Music Festival will continue to receive the love, time and attention that it took to grow to it’s current state. We are also now expanding this year with more events, hosted at both the Oxbow Park in Morrisville, VT, Moog’s Place and Moog’s Joint. We are available to assist you with your event. We now offer co-branded event planning, marketing, promotion, ticket sales, talent buying, artist management/booking and event organization as well as event bar catering. 

Would your business like to have an event of their own? We can co-create an event, with a concert vibe to help your business gain exposure and offer an experience to your customers. Would you like to sponsor our next event? Let us know.

how can we work with you? Let us know


how can we work with you? Let us know 〰️